A camp for confessional Lutheran boys who want to study theology.

Registration & Contact 

Please fill out the registration form below and email it to Pastor Andrew Preus at ajpreus@gmail.com.  For any other inquiries, please send your questions to Pastor Preus at the same email address.  


Camp Trinity 
439 Camp Trinity Dr
New Haven, MO 63068

About us

Camp Trinity Academy is a weeklong camp at Camp Trinity in New Haven, MO, designed to help the Lutheran church, specifically local pastors and congregations, raise up men to be pastors.  The camp welcomes boys who are considering the possibility of studying at seminary and serving in the Evangelical Lutheran Church (LCMS or other confessional Lutheran congregations). We also welcome pastors to attend at chaperones, teachers, and mentors during the week. 

We acknowledge that many of the boys who attend Camp Trinity Academy may very well end up taking a different path.  It is therefore not required that the campers be dead set on pursuing the office of the Word.  However, regardless of whether a camper ends up going to seminary or he is simply enriched in his understanding of our Biblical Lutheran doctrine, we hope this camp will promote future leaders in our congregations. We have been blessed with seminaries to prepare men for the office of Word and Sacrament established by our Lord Jesus. However, as much as the seminary professors and fieldwork/vicarage supervisors play a pivotal role in forming these pastors for the church, we cannot underestimate the impact of the local pastor. Camp Trinity Academy exists to foster this bond between potential seminary students and their local pastors.  For more information on Camp Trinity and its service to the church, please visit camptrinity.org.